Having just finished "Fahrenheit 451" and looking around at how our society is shaping up, I begin to wonder why we left the rule of a king?
Why is it that people crave the government sticking their grubby little mitts into everything?
I ask you this, how many of this countries government run programs have stayed within the boundaries of their original intended purposes?
Not many of them that I can think of, now obviously some of it is due to people that find "loop holes," thus helping push the system past its limits. But then the work needed to rebuild or reform what is broken is fought against so much that its insane. The worst part I think is that most of this is going on in plain sight but when the media says its all "ok" then that MUST be what is true right?
I mean what happened to common sense? Ill respect someones opinion that is actually and truly THEIR view. Not a force fed tablet from some "expert," tell me why you think the way you do and I might respect you and your words.
Because of this desire for uncle sam to fix everything, I'm putting money on obama getting re-elected. Not that I want that of course.