If you could perfectly understand the post title I can only assume that you send text messages a lot.
Why did I type the title like that? Well to beg a question of course! Last night I was talking to one of my buddies, both of us were tired as hell, so I honestly have no idea how this became the topic of discussion.
Anyways, he said something about how schools were now accepting and/or teaching texting short hand or slang.
Not just as one of those waste of credit type of classes but as an accepted method of academic communication.
First thing out of my mouth was, "Your f***ing joking right?" He assured me he wasn't, but I didn't believe him, I had to see this for myself.
Straight to Google I went! Well I didn't find any direct proof that the teaching or accepting of said lingo was rampant, though I did find some articles stating that these kids in school now have a far smaller vocabulary than previous generations. A few defended the trend as a more efficient way of communication within that specific medium, though it was not to be accepted in college level work.
I even saw an article that was trying to push the theory that somehow texting slang helped with real spelling, via phonetic representation.....don't all dictionaries already break words down into a phonetic type spelling to help you say/read it right?? I wish I could find that article again to link it here, I will link the ones I mentioned above for anyone that is interested.
Semi condemns acceptance
Passes of as nothing to really worry about
The reason I bring this up is mainly because it is simply scary to me. I mean didn't we learn our lesson about this kind of thing back in the 90s with Fuzzy Math ?
I can understand certain words and ways of speaking vary from region to region.
But it would seem that there is a blurry line between being efficient and plain old lazy. Just think about it, what will the next 20 years bring?
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