Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Talking to a different audience

Ok, I tried asking this question on a different blog of which I am a team member. But I failed to get any real answer. Instead I got two guys arguing over who answered whose question. Oiy, online fights, I swear.
Didn't I make a post about that at some point??? Anywhoooo.....

The question is....
Although I do wholly believe that gay marriage is wrong according to my religion. I think that being and active gay is nasty and ya just totally nasty. I don't understand it. But anyways, my question came from a conversation with one of my friends. We were talking about a gay guy that had just finished hitting on us. He took it as a compliment.... I just felt nasty. His philosophy is that everything is ok for someone. Its the standard pop culture school of thought. I think its total BS. I mean not only is it a total insult to the process of thinking, but most of the time you agree with stuff that is just messed up or completely trivial.
Now, for the question.
Besides all the religious fanatics that bring shame to us normal Christians, that believe that anything that has to do with being gay is wrong. Is there anything wrong with it? In anyway, outside of the realm of religion, is there anything wrong with it. Actually I am more wondering about the marriage part because BEING gay isn't really a problem with MOST people. Its the marriage part that freaks people out.
Oh by the way, there wasn't a gay guy hitting on us. I just thought that it would make a funny intro. =D But I was talking to one of my friends about it.

(post text: Mr. Ciavarro, if you wouldn't mind pointing some of your regular blog visitors to this post it would be greatly appreciated. I would like to get much feed back about this.)


erin said...

I'm not religious, and I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, or with gay people getting married.

ezekiel said...

No. If people freak out when two guys get married, but believe it's okay for them to date then they're hypocrites. I'm religious but I'm not about to tell someone what they can and cannot do. It's not within my judgement.

Ciavarro said...

Well, Mr. Derek, you certainly got my attention here. This is kind of my pet topic. I enjoy posting about it.

You know, sure, the thought of being gay kind of creeps me out. It isn't for me, at all. Interestingly, neither is body piercing or tattoos. If those people want to do that to THEMSELVES, it doesn't hurt me.

You see the analogy? I thought Kerry made a brilliant point during the Presidential debates about religion sticking it's nose into people's lives (it was about abortion, but you get the picture).

In essence, he said he's a devout Catholic. But he does not feel it his duty to force his values on others. His personal view should not affect the freedoms of others.

On the other hand, he did lose the election :)

I also agree I would feel a little weirded out if a gay guy hit on me. But it's his right, just like it's my right to explain to him he's barking up the wrong tree.

To summarize. Is there anything wrong with it (being gay or gay marriage)? No. If it's something that makes a portion of our population truly happy, can it be wrong? If it's not for you, just let it go and don't worry about it.

raspberry sundae said...

(i think i'm the only girl chiming in thus far - cool :) )

anyhoo - it is my understanding that, essentially, anti-gay anti-lesbian sentiment within most organized religions has its origin in the historical attitudes regarding sex. that is, sex is for procreation and procreation only. because sexual intercourse between two like-gendered people cannot (yet anyway) produce offspring, it's bad. this is the same rationale which has, among other things, kept birth control illegal in countries like the republic of ireland, forced a proliferation of back-alley highly dangerous abortions, and basically kept the fun out of fundamentalism all over the world.

if you've got two consenting adults in a room, and they love each other and care for each other and generally contribute to the (rapidly diminishing) positivity of the universe, i say go for it. there's not enough love in this world. don't turn your nose up at what happiness there is to be found.

Brian said...


I'm glad you realize that marriage is wrong.
Don't give up the fight! That's what the s and democraps want you to do!

Carla said...

Yo Derek, (I'm a Ciavarro immigrant)

"Although I do wholly believe that gay marriage is wrong according to my religion."

Precisely the reason why most of those who are against.

However, in the context of government legalising same sex marriage, it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with human rights. There is a movement of law to recognise same-sex rights as human rights, on the similar path to which new rights have been accepted and enshrined in the past. For example, equality rights for women, ethnic and racial minorities, and religious minorities.

The legislation which has recently been introduced in Canada balances both by protecting both the equality rights of gays and freedom of religion. No religion will be forced to marry a same-sex couple. (http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/news/nr/2005/doc_31376.html)

Beyond the legal argument (above), it's a personal decision. But one likened to previous rights battles, such as equality for women and blacks.

"outside of the realm of religion, is there anything wrong with it. Actually I am more wondering about the marriage part" Nope.

Kellee said...

Off subject Derek, but just letting you know Ciavarro and I were joking about my blog where I mentioned my Xanax, which is a doctor prescibed anti-anxiety medicine that I use only when I need it. It's all good buddy....nothing fancy for me!

raspberry sundae said...

oh superdan...

perhaps you weren't speaking to me specifically, or perhaps you just leapt to a (rather superficial) conclusion when reading my (and half of the other pro-gay marriage) responses.

in actual fact, no one said that the only reason you are 'anti-gay' marriage is because you are religious - actually what i said was that the basis behind anti gay marriage sentiment had its origions in the religious doctrine which sanctions sex for reproduction only. read your history - that's fact.

quite frankly, i'd way rather see two people live together happily in a non traditional marriage than be unhappy in any kind of relationship. that's what "family values" are - teaching people to care about each other and thinking of the 'we' rather than the 'me'.

i am, indeed, tolerant of your right to have your own opinion. i just don't have to agree with you. you don't have to agree with me, either. but don't accuse me (and i am taking the fall for all the folks who disagreed with you on this one) of being intolerant just 'cause you don't.